Great Things for God

First Things FirstToday, let’s read about the Lost Sheep in Luke 15:3-7.  Pray for God to show you how to best interact with those who wander from the path you’ve laid out for them.

Going Deeper:
Do you have that ONE kid in your class?  You know which ONE I’m talking about.  The ONE that knows how to push your buttons.  Knows exactly what will rile you up. And no matter how much patience you pray down from Heaven, it only takes ONE interaction with that child and all your freshly prayed down patience is soaring out the window.
Anyone else ever feel that way?  It can’t just be me!  So what’s a teacher to do when her classroom management strategies work with 99% of her students, but just not that ONE?  What’s a teacher to do when 99% of the students are focused and trying to learn, but just not that ONE?
It’s tempting to ignore the ONE.  We’ve all done that, right?  You mentally say to yourself, “If I don’t respond, he’ll stop.  If I ignore, he’ll stop.”  Yes, sometimes he does.  But no, sometimes he does not.  Ignoring doesn’t always work.  (I. So. Wish. It. Did.)
Let’s look at God’s Word.  I don’t recall Jesus ever ignoring someone.  (Sigh.  Our ignoring idea is about to go out the window, along with our patience that flew out earlier.)
Instead, Jesus would leave the 99 to go find the ONE.  He would make sure the ONE knew how special, how beloved, how essential he was to the kingdom.  Does your ONE feel that way?  Or does your ONE think, “Mrs. Smith hates me.  Mr. Carter is ALWAYS getting on to me. I can’t do anything right for Mrs. Adams.” 
Jesus made everyONE feel important, because to Him, everyONE WAS!  There was no one uninvited to His Kingdom, there was no ONE who wasn’t good enough—because it wasn’t about how good you are (Philippians says our best works are dirty rags), it’s all about how good He is!
So the next time that ONE is pushing your buttons, think back on how Jesus handled the lost sheep.  He made every effort to bring him back into the fold.  Make every effort to bring that child back into the fold.  Let him know you care about him—you may be the only adult in his life who does.  Let him know that consequences are given because everyone needs boundaries.  Boundaries keep us safe and crossing those boundaries has consequences.  Obedience brings blessing, disobedience brings pain. 
Oh, it sounds simple doesn’t it?!  Even as I’m typing this, I’m thinking---this is so easy to TYPE, but it is so drastically hard to LIVE OUT when I have 130 students needing my attention each day, math small groups needing their intensive intervention with me, parents emailing me nonstop, and more jobs being sent my way from administration….yeah, it’s easy to say “I’ll make time to make that ONE feel important.  I’ll show him I care” but it is so hard to actually DO!!!
Whew, just know it WON’T BE EASY.  It won’t fit into your life comfortably.  It will be tough.  It will feel impossible. 
But through Christ, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. 
Even dealing with THE ONE.

Classroom Connections and Life Applications:
1.Who is your “one”?

2.How do you think that “one” views themselves? 

3.What is ONE way you can speak positively to your ONE today?

4.What is ONE way Jesus dealt with the lost ones that you can use for your “one”?

More Teacher Bible Studies:
Teacher Bible Study:  They Aren't Getting It!

Teacher Bible Study:  More Like Mordecai

Teacher Bible Study:  I Need A Break!!!

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