Joshua: A Bible Study Moment for Teachers

The name alone evokes so many emotions within a Christian.  We usually know so many stories about him.

I must admit, I've always studied his heroic moments---Battle of Jericho, being one of only two ready to claim the Promised Land, the iconic sun stands still victory--and I've often not focused on the fact that he was in a wilderness for forty years.

FORTY long years.

Think about his life.  Born a slave.  Saw God's promises fulfilled for the Hebrews through Moses.  Watched the plagues topple Egypt, the death of the firstborn, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, our boy Joshua had a front seat for it ALL.

When it came time to claim that Promised Land, only he and Caleb trusted God enough.  After all those miracles, after all that deliverance, watching the entire Egyptian army wash away to their deaths---and ultimately, Joshua ends up wandering in the wilderness for FORTY YEARS because of someone else's sin.

Someone else's sin!  Oh how the justice part of my heart wants to scream, that's not fair! He didn't deserve it!  Punish someone else!

Joshua could have whined.  He could have complained.  He could have lashed out, "Why was I chosen to wait and wait and wait?!?!  It's not FAIR!  I was the one who did everything right!!!"

What could have been viewed as an incredibly wasteful and unnecessary time, Joshua spent learning from God.  He didn't squander the years complaining or reminding God how unfair all of this is.

And oh how God used a painful, unwarranted transition time in Joshua's life!!!

Joshua the great Jericho-defeater, sun stand still commander, warrior leader of God's Army wasn't forged in times of fun and easy.  Oh no.  God's leaders are always forged out of those lonely, forgotten, stuck in the wilderness times that strengthen their faith and develop unrelenting, unwavering character.

Joshua wouldn't have been half the leader he was without his wilderness.  So the next time you think to yourself, "Why doesn't she get a wilderness?  Why is it always me?  Why am I always the forgotten one?",  remember that no true leader of God has ever been without a time of wilderness.  It's in the depths of the wilderness that mere followers fall and true leaders cling to their only Hope and thrive.

Let's be a Joshua.
Let's be a Joshua for our students.
Even if this school year seems like a vast wilderness to you, Be A Joshua.

Hey, you never know what assignment God has for you on the other side of your wilderness. Maybe you are being prepared for your own Jericho-defeater, sun stand still commander assignment too.

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