"I'm Done!" Anchor Chart

If you are like me, there's a phrase that you'd love to NEVER hear again....and it is, "I'm done!"

Usually the student who hollers this phrase has quickly raced through the assignment, careless mistakes trailing their way across what could have been a successful assignment.  But alas, careless mistakes became the weeds that ruined the mathematical garden.

Well, I have an anchor chart for this issue!  I talk to my students from Day One about what to do when they THINK that they are done.

1.  Ask yourself, "Does my answer make sense?"
In math class, there are SO MANY TIMES that students realize what they've done wrong if they will just stop and ask themselves, "Does this answer make any sense with this problem?"  You'd be surprised how many students can quickly figure out, "This HAS to be wrong!  She can't suddenly have 500 cupcakes!"  And they figure out that they multiplied instead of dividing.

2.  Ask yourself, "Did I solve each problem at least TWICE?"
Students love to race through math problems.  Asking them to solve a problem twice is akin to asking them to forgo watching their favorite show for a year.  You'll be met with "why?" and "are you kidding?"  But alas, I require it of my students.  It teaches them to work carefully and to take pride in knowing when they turn something in to be graded, it is their very best work.

3.  Ask yourself, "Did I go ABOVE and BEYOND?"
Oh how students love to do the bare minimum.  They want to finish, get a grade, and move on.  With this question, I am encouraging them to do more than expected.  If it needs sentence answers, write more than one sentence.  If the assignment asks for showing all your division steps, then show your division steps neatly and in an organized fashion.  There are so many ways to go above and beyond.

This anchor chart is very helpful in my fifth grade math classes!  I hope it can help in yours as well!  Praying you have a successful school year!

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